What is Dog Training and How Does it Work?

There are numerous types of training available for you and your dog. It is therefore advisable to become acquainted with the various types before bringing a new puppy home, so that you can make an informed decision. The decision can be made based on a variety of factors such as the dog's size, breed, activity level, home lifestyle, and so on. The sessions are usually held once a week, either in the evening or on the weekend, so that most people can attend.

Training your puppy, young dog, or adult dog is time well spent and a good investment because you get a mentally and physically stimulated dog that is balanced and socialized to good behavior and temperament. If you do not train your dog, especially as a puppy or young dog, you risk having an understimulated dog who may develop aggressive behavior towards other dogs because it does not know how to communicate with them, a scared and insecure dog, a dog who bites the furniture, or a dog who is generally misunderstood and does not respond and pay attention to its owner. PetLux offers various products for dog training to help you along. 

The most common types of dog training are discussed further below.

Puppy training

Puppy training with a local dog trainer benefits and is recommended for all puppies, regardless of breed. The puppy meets a lot of other puppies during these sessions where they are socialized and a solid foundation is laid for its training, behavior, and temperament. In this situation, the puppies learn to play and communicate with puppies of different breeds and sizes, meet new people, and form strong bonds with their owners.

The puppies will learn simple things like following their owner around on a leash. The sessions are designed to promote learning and socialization through play. Puppy training is available in some areas for puppies as young as 8 weeks old after receiving their first vaccine from the breeder, whereas in others the puppy must be 12 weeks old. The fact that the puppies are still young and receptive makes training a positive and effective experience.

Obedience training

This is the most common type of training and is probably what most people associate with dog training. All dogs, regardless of breed or age, can and should participate in obedience training as a follow-up to puppy training, preferably throughout the dog's life. The dog and owner learn to cooperate and communicate while other dogs are present during obedience training. The dog is socialized and learns to pay attention to and concentrate on its owner. Different exercises are taught, and various levels are available.

Basic obedience training teaches dogs how to sit, stay, come, heel, and lay down. This type of training teaches dogs what is expected of them and can help them improve their overall behavior. The key principles are positive reinforcement, consistency, short training sessions, gradual progression, patience and practice in different environments. It is important to note that obedience training is appropriate for dogs of all ages, as well as to help them better adapt to their surroundings and owners.


Agility training is a type of dog training that focuses on improving a dog's physical fitness and coordination through obstacle courses. The course usually consists of a series of obstacles such as jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and A-frames that the dog must navigate in a specific order and within a certain time frame.

Agility training can help dogs improve their balance and coordination, as well as their confidence and concentration. Because the owner must guide the dog through the course while providing positive reinforcement and encouragement, it can also strengthen the bond between the dog and its owner.

Dogs of all ages and kinds can participate in agility training, which is a great way to keep them active and mentally and physically occupied. Furthermore, it can be applied to competitive activities and contests.

Prior to beginning agility training, it's crucial to create a solid foundation in obedience training because the dog will need to comprehend fundamental commands like sit, remain, come, heel, and lay down. Additionally, it's crucial to speak with a vet to make sure your dog is healthy enough for the demanding physical requirements of agility training.

Tracking and scent training 

In this, it is necessary to train dogs to find and follow particular odors or things using their noses. Law enforcement, hunting, and search and rescue all frequently use this kind of training.

Training a dog to find and track particular scents or items requires teaching them how to use their sense of smell. Scent introduction, discrimination, tracking, alerting, and obedience training are all part of the procedure. It should be carried out by knowledgeable trainers under various settings and environments while employing positive reinforcement approaches. Although all dogs have the ability to track and search, some breeds are renowned for having particular expertise in this field.

Behavioral training

A specific behavioral issue, like excessive barking, hostility, or separation anxiety, is addressed by this kind of dog training. Dogs who receive this kind of training will be better behaved generally and will be able to grasp what is expected of them.

Key principles for behavioral training include identifying the root cause, positive reinforcement, consistency, short training sessions, gradual progression, patience and consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for help.

It's crucial to keep in mind that behavioral training involves a lot of patience, consistency, and knowledge of the dog's behavior and body language. As behavioral difficulties might become more challenging to solve the longer they persist, it's also crucial to address them as soon as possible and to be consistent in your training. 

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