Is our number one priority

At Petlux, we're dedicated to providing the finest grooming tools tailored to your cat's specific needs and fur type. Our curated collection boasts top-quality combs and brushes, including rubber brushes, massage brushes, trimming tools, and renowned brands like Furminator.
Long-haired cats require regular brushing and combing to prevent tangles and dirt buildup. A suitable shampoo and conditioner complement the grooming process. For short-haired cats, tools like the Magic Glove efficiently remove loose hair, minimizing cleanup.
How often should you brush your cat? It depends on their fur type and shedding tendencies. Long-haired cats need regular attention to prevent tangling and dust accumulation. Short-haired cats may only require occasional brushing.
Enjoy the soothing purrs and gentle tail-wags as you establish a brushing routine. Start early with kittens to ensure they grow accustomed to grooming practices. Beyond practicality, make it a bonding experience.
Brushing isn't just about upkeep; it's an opportunity for quality time. Your cat will appreciate the attention and cuddles. With the right brush or comb, you'll create a spa-like experience and cherish these moments together.
Explore trusted brands like KW, Furminator, and Dogman. Our environmentally-friendly Ergolance brushes prioritize your cat's comfort and your ease of use. From filter splitters for matted fur to grooming gloves for shedding, we offer a diverse range of options.