Dog food for pregnant and lactating dogsFew experiences are as heartwarming as welcoming a litter of tiny puppies your female dog has nurtured and delivered. However, to ensure the puppie ... Read more
Dog food for pregnant and lactating dogsFew experiences are as heartwarming as welcoming a litter of tiny puppies your female dog has nurtured and delivered. However, to ensure the puppies' optimal beginning and provide your female dog ... Read more

Dog food for pregnant and lactating dogs

    Few experiences are as heartwarming as welcoming a litter of tiny puppies your female dog has nurtured and delivered. However, to ensure the puppies' optimal beginning and provide your female dog with a successful pregnancy, proper nourishment is crucial. While identifying the most suitable dog food for your pregnant female dog might seem daunting, Petlux has simplified this process for you.

    Important nutrition

    A proper diet constitutes an exceedingly critical aspect of a dog's pregnancy. A well-nourished female dog has the opportunity to amass the necessary nutrient reserves within her body to support a healthy pregnancy. These nutrient stores encompass crucial vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are beneficial for both the female dog and her puppies. A malnourished female dog lacks the essential nutrients, which can impact the quality of the colostrum.

    Consequently, selecting appropriate meals for the pregnant female dog holds paramount importance. Are you aware of the duration of a dog's pregnancy and how long this specialized diet should be maintained? Generally, a dog's pregnancy lasts from 60 to 67 days, followed by a period during which the puppies are nursed. Throughout this timeframe, providing proper nutrition is imperative.

    Wide selection of dog food from leading brands

    As a dedicated dog owner, your priority is to provide your dog with the finest living conditions and high-quality products, including dog food and treats. At Petlux, our criteria for the quality and ingredients of the dog food we offer are stringent. This approach guarantees that both you and your dog receive superior products – a particularly crucial consideration when nourishing a pregnant female dog.

    We wholeheartedly endorse all the dog food brands featured in our selection, such as Acana, Essential Foods, Now Fresh, Orijen, Sportsman's Pride, and MUSH BARF. Additionally, we offer the Danish brand HIKE, renowned for producing grain-free dog food. Regardless of the brand you opt for to feed your pregnant female dog, you're assured of receiving the best. It's advisable to monitor your pregnant dog's consumption and weight, enabling you to tailor the portions based on her specific requirements. 

    Why choose puppy food for pregnant bitches?

    There's a wealth of valuable advice when it comes to pregnant dogs, including the use of puppy food. Dogs are pregnant for approximately nine weeks, during which substantial nutrient reserves of proteins, minerals, and vitamins must be built within their bodies. Due to the heightened energy demands, opting for puppy food is a prudent choice.

    During the initial weeks of the dog's pregnancy, there's no requirement to deviate from their regular diet, as the increased energy needs have not yet emerged. It's vital not to overfeed the dog in these early stages, as excessive weight gain can lead to complications for both the dog and the puppies during birth.

    However, in the final weeks of pregnancy, the dog's food requirement starts to escalate, necessitating preparation on your part. A diet rich in energy, with a higher protein content than usual, becomes crucial, which aligns with puppy food offerings. Typically, a gradual transition is recommended, starting by replacing 10% of the dog's regular food with puppy food. As the pregnancy progresses, you can transition to exclusively feeding the dog and the puppies with puppy food. Notably, puppy food also proves to be an excellent choice for a lactating dog, as producing milk for the puppies requires a substantial amount of energy and calories.

    Be careful when buying food for pregnant bitches

    Feeding a pregnant dog can present challenges. There are instances when she may experience a reduced appetite, particularly towards the latter part of her pregnancy. This could occur due to the increased size of the fetuses in the final stages, leading to pressure on her abdomen and a loss of appetite. If your pregnant dog is reluctant to eat, consider offering smaller portions multiple times a day to maintain an adequate energy intake.

    Pregnancy induces hormonal shifts in the dog's body, and incorporating food supplements could be beneficial to enhance mineral and vitamin intake. However, it's essential to seek guidance from a food advisor at Petlux before introducing supplements for the pregnant dog. When selecting food for the pregnant dog, pay close attention to calorie and fiber content. A high-calorie content and low fiber content are crucial. Moreover, the chosen food should have elevated levels of calcium and phosphorus.

    Get help from the food advisors at Petlux

    Feeding a pregnant dog, especially if it's your first time, can pose challenges. Typically, around the fifth week of pregnancy, you begin the process of transitioning from regular food to puppy food. This transition can be a source of stress if you're uncertain about the type and quantity of food required. If you find yourself in such a situation, rest assured that Petlux is here to help. Our knowledgeable food advisors are on hand to offer valuable advice and guidance.

    The recommendations provided by our dietary advisors are generally tailored to factors such as your dog's age, breed, size, activity level, and the stage of pregnancy.

    We're committed to assisting you in selecting the appropriate food for your dog, ensuring the best possible pregnancy experience.