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Wagging Through the Ages: Dog Training for Adult Dogs

In this post, we provide good advice on how to train your dog not to bark using specific dog training exercises, as well as inspiration for which exercises to begin with when teaching your dog tricks.
How to train your dog to stop barking
It may sound strange, but in order to train a dog not to bark, you must first teach it to bark - on command. Before you begin dog training to teach your dog to stop barking, you should first review the dog's breed and its challenges. There is a significant difference between which dog breeds are easier to train to stop barking than others, because they are hardwired by nature (and in some cases bred) to bark as a signal to the "pack" - in this case, you as its owner.In addition to breed differences, individual dogs have their own distinct personalities, which makes your dog your best four-legged friend, but it also means that some things may not work on your dog while they do on others. Remember to try to understand what your dog is trying to communicate to you through his barking: Is it because he dislikes being alone at home? Does it defend its domain? Is it looking to play, or is it hungry? Whatever the reason, your dog is communicating, not bothering you.
If your dog defends its territory, such as the garden or the house, you should not leave it alone in the garden, but rather go for a walk with it or engage it in lawn play. As the owner, you must assume command of the "pack" and ensure that your dog does not bark at the garden gate. When training your dog to stop barking, you must first teach it to bark on the "woof" command, then teach it to stop on the "shhh" command.
Keep calm and continue with dog training
When you have to train your dog, it is critical that you remain calm and consistent in your training. You should control your temper or frustration when training does not go as planned, as your dog reflects your behavior - an unbalanced leader equals an unbalanced and restless "pack". You can also reward your dog when he stops barking to get your attention for good reason. However, this requires some patience and energy on your part, as it may take some time for it to stop - but it will pay off in the end.
Is it difficult for you to maintain consistent training, or have you tried everything and the dog still does not respond? If this is the case, you should seek advice from your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer. It may provide you with peace of mind if you receive specific targeted exercises and assistance with your dog training.
Quick dog tricks - keep your dog mentally and physically healthy
There are numerous dog tricks you can teach your dog; all it takes is patience and practice. Tricks like "give paw," "roll around," and "high five" are examples of basic dog training exercises. After practicing these, you can progress to more advanced exercises such as "play dead," "backwards," "zigzag between the legs," and others. Learning dog tricks is enjoyable not only for you but also for your dog.
Treats for dog training are essential if you want to teach your dog new tricks. You can get various types of treats, but training treats are preferable because they are small and often soft, making them easy for the dog to chew and move on to the next exercise. Furthermore, it is critical that your dog training treats are both tasty and motivating. When it comes to dog training exercises, the reward principle is crucial. You can go a long way with your dog training and dog tricks if you use motivating treats and positive learning.
If you want to teach your dog the command "give paw," he or she must first learn the command "sit," because this dog trick begins with getting your dog to sit. Squat down in front of the dog and extend a flat hand. You pick up one of the dog's paws on your outstretched palm with your other hand, and as soon as its paw touches your palm, you say the "give paw" command. You then immediately give a dog treat. You should train this command several times a day (with breaks) until the dog understands it without assistance.
Clicker training
Dogs of every age, including puppies and senior dogs, can benefit from clicker training. It is never too late to begin clicker training with an older dog, and many older dogs benefit from this technique by learning new actions quickly and efficiently.
Regardless of the dog's age, one benefit of clicker training is that it facilitates clear communication between the trainer and the dog, which can assist to deepen their bond and foster trust.