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Pekingese, a dog breed with a long history
Pekingese is a small dog with a long history and great self-confidence. It is a companion dog that is both social and loyal, but also headstrong, which means that it requires consistent training and socialization from the time your Pekingese is a puppy.If you ensure that your Pekingese receives the right upbringing and socialization, you will have a loyal, respectful and friendly dog that loves to fall asleep in your lap or laze away the day on a pillow.
An imperial past
The Pekingese originates from East Asia, and its history dates back more than two millennia. It is described in ancient writings as a temple dog, where it had the status of a sacred animal that guarded against unwelcome spirits. Some of these writings derive from the legend of the Buddha. The Buddha is said to have had small dogs that followed him, which could turn into lions if the Buddha was threatened. This description fits a Pekingese as it has lion-like features.Following its status as a temple guardian, it was used in the Chinese imperial dynasties where it was seen as a status symbol and proof of power. No one but the emperor was allowed to own a Pekingese dog. In 1860, the British and French captured Peking and found five dogs left behind in the grand palaces. Together with other dogs that have been smuggled out of China, they form the basis of the Pekingese breed's population outside of China.
However, it was not until the 1900s that a Pekingese dog became popular in the West. Today, it is no longer a highly regarded dog breed, as its status as the perfect little dog that could easily be taken anywhere in a bag has been usurped by other breeds.
Characteristics of the Pekingese breed
A Pekingese is a small companion dog both because of its size and need for activity, but also because of its appearance, which does not exactly make it easier for it to run and move around in wild nature. In general, the maximum weight for a Pekingese is 5.5 kilos, and it measures between 14 and 23 centimeters. It has a short and compact body, which appears a bit strong on the short curved legs.As previously mentioned, a Pekingese has been referred to as a lion dog. This is because of its wide, flat muzzle with folds of skin surrounding it, protruding eyes and its large lion's mane, where the small heart-shaped ears blend in with the splendor of the fur.
Its fur is an important characteristic and probably what it is best known for. The fur is thick and has a long undercoat, which the short tail almost blends in with, as it also has long fur and often flips up over the dog's rear end. The fur comes in virtually all colors and all are approved in relation to the established Pekingese dog breed regulations. The fur requires a lot of care. It is recommended that it is combed through for mats and knots daily. This is best done by using fur care products like brushes and combs.
The expected lifespan of a Pekingese is 12-15 years, however, this is easily affected by illness or genetic defects. Therefore, it can be difficult to answer how old a Pekingese will be, but if you pay attention to its health, you can expect to have it for the estimated lifespan.
Characteristics and needs of the Pekingese
Despite the fact that a Pekingese is a small companion dog, it is a dog that is self-confident, stubborn and at times bold. It does not see itself as a small dog, it considers itself its own master if you let it. It is therefore important to start socialization and training early. It needs to understand who is the boss.If you start training early and do it persistently, consistently and patiently, you will get a respectful, faithful and loving Pekingese who is very social and loves to be cuddled or played with. Generally, who appreciates all kinds of attention. In order to train your Pekingese as best as possible, it is a good idea to invest in different types of harnesses, rewards and equipment for training that makes it both more convenient and more fun.
A Pekingese bonds easily with one person, therefore it is important that you as an owner are consistent about who trains and raises your dog. This also means that you must pay attention to socializing it so that the rest of the family also receives the same love from the dog. This can be done with play and other means of activation.
The breed does not need a lot of exercise, a short daily walk or a fun game is enough.
Information about the Pekingese dog's health and welfare
The Pekingese has been bred for many years, which means that to this day you can still get Pekingese with mixed genes. For example, too long fur makes it difficult for it to move, too big eyes are more prone to eye injuries and eye diseases or too flat a nose creates breathing problems. Therefore, as an owner, you must be very careful before choosing your breeder, so that you are sure to get a healthy Pekingese.In addition to these breeding problems, it is important that you pay attention to the hygiene of the eyes, nose and mouth, as these are particularly sensitive. There are many products that can help you ensure good hygiene and a healthy dog.