Siberian Husky

Beloved snow dog that looks like a wolf

Siberian Husky


The Siberian Husky comes from Russia (Siberia). The Chukchi tribe of the eastern Siberian peninsula used these dogs as guard dogs, to pull sleds and herd reindeer. It belongs to the Spitz family.

People used them for entertainment during the Alaska Gold Rush. In 1910 the Siberian Husky team competed and dominated the All-Alaska competition race.

In 1925, Siberian Husky dogs were used to deliver medicine to people suffering from a diphtheria epidemic in Nome, Alaska. In 1930, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.


This working dog is medium in size and light with a slightly rounded skull. He has well-furred ears and almond-shaped eyes that are usually blue, brown, or a combination of both. The dog has snowshoe feet, hairy toes and pads. The tail is also well furred with a brush shape like a fox.

The medium length coat has a dense undercoat and a straight outer coat. The colors range from black to pure white.

An adult male Siberian Husky grows to 53-60cm in height and the female a height of 51-56cm. They have an average weight of 20-27 kg and 16-23 kg.

The lifespan of a Siberian Husky is 12-15 years.


This dog is active, fun loving and adventurous. This pack animal is gentle, eager and relaxed. Siberian Husky puppies have a very high energy level.

The Siberian Husky is intelligent and can be easily trained. Once this dog understands who the leader of the pack is, he is obedient. This dog is fond of his family, including children, and makes a loving guardian.

This dog should not be left alone for long periods of time. He needs mental and physical stimulation to avoid boredom and to avoid unwanted behavior such as howling. He gets along well with other pets, mainly because he is a sled dog.

Grooming and fur care

The Siberian Husky needs a daily walk and regular exercise to keep his mind healthy and his behavior in order. This dog is not recommended for an apartment, and is better off in a home with a large yard. However, a well-trained Siberian Husky that receives sufficient exercise can live happily in an apartment.

This dog is uncomfortable in the heat because of its thick coat. Better climates are cooler ones. It could be vital to provide him with enough shade, water, and air conditioning to keep him in a healthy environment.

The Siberian Husky's coat sheds heavily twice a year, and therefore requires regular brushing and combing. Bathing is necessary approximately every 3 months, unless the Husky spends a lot of time outdoors, in which case it may need to be done more often. 

Nails should be cut short to prevent them from splitting or getting caught in upholstery and carpets. Proper dental hygiene for the Husky is necessary for his overall health. Regular brushing will prevent tartar and plaque build-up.

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